Monday, March 17, 2008

Upcoming Meeting Times

Hello, all!

Here are times and places for our next 4 meetings:

Thursday, March 20
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Tivoli 442

Wednesday, April 2
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Tivoli 440

Monday, April 7
3:00 - 4:30 pm
Tivioli 442

Tuesday, April 15
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Tivoli 440

If you have any questions, please contact us at AurariaDS -at-

In solidarity,

M.J. Christensen
President / Organizer
Auraria Democratic Socialists

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Meeting Schedule

Due to problems booking the last meeting, I went ahead and booked the next three meetings. Of course, AHEC called me at 8:00 in the morning to confirm, and I forgot to write everything down. Hence, the short notice on the first meeting. We'll have to plan meetings further in advance in the future in order to get the word out.

So, here is the information for the next three meetings. More to be decided as a group:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
5:30 - 6:45 pm
Tivoli 444

Monday, March 3, 2008
3:00 - 4:15 pm
Tivoli 444

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
10:00 - 11:15 am
Tivoli 640

Hope to see you there!

In solidarity,

M.J. Christensen
President / Organizer
Auraria Democratic Socialists

Monday, February 11, 2008

Next Meeting - Thursday, February 21, 5:30 pm.

Hello, all!

For those of you who were at our first meeting, thanks for dropping by. We had agreed to have our next meeting on Wednesday next week during the evening. This sounded great until I went to book a room. Lo and behold - no rooms available.

SO - Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 21, at 5:30 pm. The room is Tivoli 320B.

Bring your friends!

In solidarity,

M.J. Christensen
Auraria Democratic Socialists

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

First Meeting Announced!!

Hello, all!

Our first meeting will be:

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm.
Monday, February 11, 2008
In the Tivoli, Room 444.

Take the tower elevator (by Cimmaron Cafe) to the 4th Floor, take a left out of the elevator door.

This will be a fairly informal information session. We will present some basic information on our organization, Democratic Socialism, and what we expect to be doing in the upcoming months. There will be ample time for a question/answer session.

If you have any questions, please email: AurariaDS -at-

In solidarity,

M.J. Christensen
Auraria Democratic Socialists

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We're Official - Completely!

Yep, it's taken about a semester more than I thought it might, but the Auraria Democratic Socialists is now an official organization with the Metropolitan State College of Denver, as of 4:00 last night!

We can start meeting any time, and I'd like to schedule a meeting for some time next week.

Keep checking here and campus bulletin boards for more information!

Kind regards,

M.J. Christensen
Auraria Democratic Socialists
AurariaDS -at-

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thanks, John.

Note, the following is a post from M.J. Christensen. It is posted on this blog because I (M.J.) beleive that it fits with this organization and its aims. The political endorsements contained within are my own, and do not reflect on any official views of the Democratic Socialists of America, the Young Democratic Socialists, or the Auraria Democratic Socialists.


This morning, as he was kissing me goodbye, my partner mentioned that John Edwards was dropping out of the presidential race. It's still January, Super Tuesday has yet to happen, and now I'm left going to my caucus to support a mediocre candidate. Someone who I respect as a personality, but who I think is too quick to pander to the middle.

I could forgive Bill Richardson, my first choice, dropping out. He was the best qualified candidate to run in years, but he didn't sell out to enough people (read - corporations) to be viable. My second choice, Dennis Kucinich, was a similar situation. Especially after he was unjustly barred from the televised debates, there was no purpose in his staying in.

But, John Edwards? Yes, the media had already written him off. Yes, he probably didn't have a snowball's chance in hell. However, he did have a chance of continuing to bring a more progressive, dare I say it, liberal view to the "progressive" party!

And he blew it. He could have at least stuck in until Super Tuesday and given me a chance to support someone at my caucus that I really believed had a chance of developing universal health care that actually worked. He could have given me the chance to support someone who dared to talk about the "two Americas", someone who began to understand the class divide in this country. He could have given me a chance to support someone who had a chance of diverting some of our nation's vast resources away from the politics and policies of hate-mongering and toward social reform at home.

But he didn't. Now, don't get me wrong, I actually like Barack Obama. I actually beleive he does have a chance of making some change for the good. But I would have liked the chance, just once, to stand behind someone I believed in politically more than just the lesser of two evils.

So, we're left with two candidates who, politically, are more centrist than any centrist could hope for. My only hope is that we stick to our guns enough to vote for the one who's slightly less in the pockets of the corporations.

So, reluctantly (what else is new), I post my personal support for Barack Hussein Obama.

It could be worse, though. My partner is a registered member of the other party. There isn't one slime ball in that lot I'd be willing to speak up for.

Kind regards,

M.J. Christensen


Note, the preceding was a post from M.J. Christensen. It is posted on this blog because I (M.J.) beleive that it fits with this organization and its aims. The political endorsements contained within are my own, and do not reflect on any official views of the Democratic Socialists of America, the Young Democratic Socialists, or the Auraria Democratic Socialists.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Welcome back!

Hello, all!

Welcome back to Auraria Campus. Let us hope that this is going to be a great semester for all of us, but particularly for the Auraria Democratic Socialists.

I will be working with the core group of leaders in the first couple of weeks of the semester to finalize everything we need to be official and start holding meetings. Keep checking this blog for more information.

One of our focuses for this semester will be on student debt. This is of prime concern to us locally after Metro State cancelled 750 Perkins Loans because of lack of foresight and planning on their part. We all know that in this capitalistic system, if any one of us had canceled our financial decisions because of lack of planning, it wouldn't be allowed!

Please let us know if you have any questions. Our email address is: AurariaDS -at-

In solidarity,

M.J. Christensen
Auraria Democratic Socialists

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Iran Executes 21 Year Old Accused Of Gay Sex When He Was 13

I won’t say I’m surprised.

I won’t say I didn’t know this still went on.

But, after reading this story:

I just want to curl up in a ball and cry!

It’s something we all need to remember. Every step away from peaceful coexistence, every step away from embracing diversity, every step away from inclusion of everyone – is one step toward a society where something like this can happen.

In solidarity,

M.J. Christensen
President / Organizer
Auraria Democratic Socialists

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

See You in the Spring!

I've had many questions regarding when the Auraria Democratic Socialists is going to start meeting. Because we got off to a late start this semester, we've delayed the official "launch" of our organization until Spring 2008. Our leadership will be working on getting things ready to go, and you can definitely expect some action with this organization in the spring.

Keep checking this blog, as our leadership will start posting to it regularly over the winter break. There are many issues that are relevant to the Young Democratic Socialists nationwide, and to our organization on Auraria Campus, and we intend to keep you in the loop.

As always, you can contact us at: AurariaDS "at" Because of spam quantity, we are posting the email address like this. You should know what to do!

In solidarity,

M.J. Christensen
President / Organizer
Auraria Democratic Socialists

Friday, September 21, 2007

We're official. Well, almost.

Just an update to all you socialists out there at Auraria Campus (including those who don't know you are!) The Auraria Democratic Socialists is an official chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists national organization as of this week. We should be official with Metropolitan State College of Denver by the end of this coming week.

I just wanted to remind you all that, although we are organized through Metro, all Auraria students are invited and welcome to join us! Check this web site for postings of meetings, as well as posters on campus. We should be meeting by early October.

Thanks to all of you who have expressed interest. If there are any questions I can answer, please drop me an email.

Our email address is:

AurariaDS "at" (Please edit in the @ sign. Fully posted email addresses are a spam problem.)

As always, please check out the National web sites for more great information:

In solidarity,

M.J. Christensen
President / Organizer
Auraria Democratic Socialists

Monday, September 17, 2007



Thank you for your interest in Democratic Socialism at Auraria Campus. This organization is still brand-new, and is in the registration and organization phase. We will be having meetings very soon, and we look forward to seeing you there!

If you have any questions, please contact us at AurariaDS "at" (Edit in the @ sign - spam is a problem with posted email addresses.)

I will be posting links and articles to this blog as I come across them. If there is anything you think is relavant to this group, please let us know!

You can find out more about Democratic Socialism and the Young Democratic Socialists at the following web sites: Democratic Socialists of America Young Democratic Socialists

Thanks for your interest!

In solidarity and friendship,

M.J. Christensen
President / Organizer
Auraria Democratic Socialists