Monday, February 11, 2008

Next Meeting - Thursday, February 21, 5:30 pm.

Hello, all!

For those of you who were at our first meeting, thanks for dropping by. We had agreed to have our next meeting on Wednesday next week during the evening. This sounded great until I went to book a room. Lo and behold - no rooms available.

SO - Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 21, at 5:30 pm. The room is Tivoli 320B.

Bring your friends!

In solidarity,

M.J. Christensen
Auraria Democratic Socialists


Anonymous said...

Hooray for NAZI Socialism!!

Thanks guys for this wonderful group.

Auraria Democratic Socialists said...

Your irony is not lost on us.

Nazism was not socialism.

Nor was Stalinism.

Nor is the current system in the US a true "Democracy".

Just because some groups have used a word in the past does not mean that their propaganda was correct.

Democratic Socialism supports a government, economy, and social system OF, FOR, AND BY the people, not a rich minority.

It does not support fascism in any form.

Kind regards,

M.J. Christensen
President / Organizer
Auraria Democratic Socialists