Monday, January 21, 2008

Welcome back!

Hello, all!

Welcome back to Auraria Campus. Let us hope that this is going to be a great semester for all of us, but particularly for the Auraria Democratic Socialists.

I will be working with the core group of leaders in the first couple of weeks of the semester to finalize everything we need to be official and start holding meetings. Keep checking this blog for more information.

One of our focuses for this semester will be on student debt. This is of prime concern to us locally after Metro State cancelled 750 Perkins Loans because of lack of foresight and planning on their part. We all know that in this capitalistic system, if any one of us had canceled our financial decisions because of lack of planning, it wouldn't be allowed!

Please let us know if you have any questions. Our email address is: AurariaDS -at-

In solidarity,

M.J. Christensen
Auraria Democratic Socialists

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