Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We're Official - Completely!

Yep, it's taken about a semester more than I thought it might, but the Auraria Democratic Socialists is now an official organization with the Metropolitan State College of Denver, as of 4:00 last night!

We can start meeting any time, and I'd like to schedule a meeting for some time next week.

Keep checking here and campus bulletin boards for more information!

Kind regards,

M.J. Christensen
Auraria Democratic Socialists
AurariaDS -at- gmail.com


Anonymous said...

U need some pics on yer site - I like the black, but some thing else is needed 2. I'm a design student, sorry:)

Auraria Democratic Socialists said...


Thanks for the input. As a design student, perhaps you would like to contribute?


M.J. Christensen
Auraria Democratic Socialists