Friday, September 21, 2007

We're official. Well, almost.

Just an update to all you socialists out there at Auraria Campus (including those who don't know you are!) The Auraria Democratic Socialists is an official chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists national organization as of this week. We should be official with Metropolitan State College of Denver by the end of this coming week.

I just wanted to remind you all that, although we are organized through Metro, all Auraria students are invited and welcome to join us! Check this web site for postings of meetings, as well as posters on campus. We should be meeting by early October.

Thanks to all of you who have expressed interest. If there are any questions I can answer, please drop me an email.

Our email address is:

AurariaDS "at" (Please edit in the @ sign. Fully posted email addresses are a spam problem.)

As always, please check out the National web sites for more great information:

In solidarity,

M.J. Christensen
President / Organizer
Auraria Democratic Socialists

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