Saturday, December 8, 2007

Iran Executes 21 Year Old Accused Of Gay Sex When He Was 13

I won’t say I’m surprised.

I won’t say I didn’t know this still went on.

But, after reading this story:

I just want to curl up in a ball and cry!

It’s something we all need to remember. Every step away from peaceful coexistence, every step away from embracing diversity, every step away from inclusion of everyone – is one step toward a society where something like this can happen.

In solidarity,

M.J. Christensen
President / Organizer
Auraria Democratic Socialists


Anonymous said...

Which is why it's also in your interest to support the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. One of the goals is to topple states like Iran, and shake states like Syria into giving in to the democracy that allows for a reasonable level of tolerance and coexistence.

Do you want to co-exist with governments that persecute gay people? I find that pretty unreasonable.

Support the troops! Support the war!

There is no other way.

Auraria Democratic Socialists said...

Thanks for your comment.

However, your logic does not follow.

Our government oppresses and persecutes gay people, too. However, you would have me support them in a violent attack on yet another nation.

DO NOT ASSUME that we don't "support the troops" when we don't believe that war should be the first (read only) form of diplomacy.

Supporting the Troops includes taking care of them when they get home, making sure that they have the medical care they need, the educational opportunities they deserve, and enough money to live on. Supporting the Troops also includes improving the plight of poor people in this country so that they are not forced into military service as their only option.

We also believe in International Solidarity. We do not believe that this is an achievable goal in our lifetimes, but this does not mean that we cannot take steps toward it.

While my heart goes out to gay people in Iran persecuted by our government, I do not believe that attacking this nation will do anything but make the situation worse for all of the people of that country, as well as the people here.

In solidarity,

M.J. Christensen
Auraria Democratic Socialists